Friday, 11 January 2013

12 ‘bad girl’ traits that make ladies irresistible to men

A guy’s sex life with a bad girl is never boring so learn to experiment in bed and try something new all the time
There are good girls that guys want to introduce to their mother.
And then there are bad girls that every guy secretly desires and fantasizes about.
Now every guy knows bad girls are bad news.
After all, bad girls are unpredictable, frustrating and fickle.
And they’re not the best of partners for a long term relationship either.
But, there’s something about the allure of a bad girl that makes every guy secretly admire her and want her.
As a girl, have you ever felt insecure when a bad girl takes a fancy to your boyfriend?
Your man may be all yours, but when a bad girls talks to him or flirts with him, he can’t help but melt or get nervous around her. It’s almost involuntary!
Bad girls vs. good girls
Good girls are the best. As a guy, I can tell you that life with them is like a soft pillow. It’s full of love, comfort, emotional security, happiness and bliss.
But then again, bad girls are like a scary rollercoaster. You don’t want to live in them but you sure as heck want a rough ride now and then! [Read: How to make your boyfriend want you more than ever]
A bad girl is every man’s fantasy and his nightmare too. A guy wouldn’t want a bad girl, but yet, he can’t stop wishing he could have her. So who wins in the eternal war between the good girl and the bad girl? Well, no one can tell for sure. But here’s something about the regular human mind. As humans, we always prefer stability and simplicity over near death experiences *even though the adrenalin junkie in us wants a near death experience now and then!*
The good girl and bad girl in you
Contrary to the sitcom portrayal of bad girls as slutty leather wearing bitchy women, and nice girls as mauve sweater wearing cute girls, real life isn’t that easy to read. Every girl has a bit of both in her, the good girl and the bad girl. But what stands out more brands the girl as goody-two-shoes or bitch-in-heels.
Sometimes, it’s never bad to be a bad girl, especially if you know what works for you. You may be a good girl who’s dating a great guy, but wouldn’t it be great if you can hone the desirable traits of the bad girl that make her so awesome?
Think about it, good girls win a parent’s heart, but a bad girl wins a man’s heart. If you could be both, you’d definitely be the girl of every guy’s dreams.
12 traits of a bad girl that make her so awesome!
Bad girls aren’t dimwitted or the kind of girl who goes with the flow. She knows what she wants and knows how to get it. So if you’re a good girl who wants to have a bad streak in her, use these 12 bad girl traits to awe a guy and drive him crazy!
#1 The naughty bad girl. Bad girls aren’t prudish. They don’t pretend to hate porn, or shy away from a new sexual adventure. A guy’s sex life with a bad girl is never boring so learn to experiment in bed and try something new all the time.
#2 She’s sexy. Appearances do matter, even if you’ve been in love for ages. Dress up and look good, whether you’re at home or out on a date. Thick sweaters and faded pants are comfortable, but there are sexier looking outfits that feel comfortable too, don’t you think?
#3 She’s adventurous. A bad girl doesn’t hold back and borders on reckless now and then. A bad girl would be willing to try anything at least once. Go out there and experience new things, see what life has to offer and let your man know that you love a good adventure every now and then.
#4 She’s so flirty! Bad girls are little devils who know how to flirt and seduce any guy without making their intentions obvious. They’re fun, alluring and sexy talkers who can give a guy a hard on without even touching him!
#5 She stands up for herself. A bad girl has the confidence to stand up for what she believes in. She’s determined and motivated, and doesn’t let anything get in the way of achieving her goal or dream. And she can do this without the help of any man in her life!
#6 She is who she is. A bad girl doesn’t feel the need to conform to the rules of society. She’s a misfit of the good kind. Her friends may pretend like they don’t appreciate her life choices, but somewhere deep within, everyone secretly wants to be her or wants to be with a girl like her.
#7 She doesn’t sugarcoat it. A good girl will hold a guy’s hand and tell them that everything is going to be alright even if it was him that screwed up in the first place. But a bad girl will show her man the facts as it is, and help him understand his own mistakes.
It’s true, sugarcoating a problem helps ease the pain now and then, but almost every time, a guy would prefer a bullet in the head instead of five in the chest. A bad girl says what’s on her mind, and unless he’s feeling guilty and miserable  already or if it’s a sensitive issue, a guy would appreciate that trait in his girlfriend.
#8 She’s high maintenance. Guys want a low maintenance girl around the house. But they always want a high maintenance girl when they’re walking down a street! High maintenance girls are always awed and admired by guys, even if they can’t be afforded.
#9 Bad girls don’t let themselves go. Most nice women just let themselves go once they get into a stable relationship or a marriage. They don’t dress up, don’t shave where it matters, and they start to overlook the Michelin Man curves that start to grow on their body *because they have better things to do*. But a bad girl knows the secret behind attraction and seduction, looks matter just as much as personality.
#10 They say NO. A guy could be infuriated by this bad girl behavior when she puts her foot down and take a stand when she doesn’t want to do something, but this trait will also make her be taken more seriously. On the other hand, a warm and nice girl who compromises all the time and puts up with a guy for everything will only be taken for granted or walked all over.
#11 She doesn’t wait for magic. She creates it. A bad girl doesn’t wait for a prince charming to walk into her life and fix her problems for her. She steps into the middle of the real world and fixes what she wants, with the assistance of drooling men or by herself.
#12 She’s extremely confident. She’s not cocky, but she’s not the insecure one either. In fact, she’s the kind of girl who’ll scare a guy and make him try harder to impress her all the time. Whatever she does, she’s confident of her skills, and everyone respects her for that.
5 bad girl traits guys don’t want in their girl
Bad girls are great, but they aren’t all nice and sexy. Here are five signs that spell nothing but doom for a guy. So if you want to be a good bad girl, avoid these traits.
#1 Selfishness. Bad girls are usually extremely selfish and don’t care for anyone but themselves. Don’t be that girl.
#2 Using sex as a weapon. You’re sexy and you know it, but that shouldn’t give you any right to use sex as a weapon by withholding it just to prove a point or get your man to bend over backwards for you.
#3 Moody and fragile. As confident as bad girls portray themselves to be, some of them also have a very fragile soft center that could be a sign of bottled emotions and confusions. Speak out and communicate your feelings. You don’t need to be the strong girl all the time.
#4 Narcissist. A bad girl thinks she’s the best thing to happen to planet earth, and that she’s better than everyone else. Of course, she’s entitled to her opinion if she has something worthy to prove herself. But try to keep your ego in check, will you?
#5 Fickle. The typical bad girl gets excited for everything quickly and loses her interest in other things just as quickly.
As with every kind of girl, a bad girl too has her own good and bad sides to her. As long as you remember to use the good traits and avoid the bad traits, you’d definitely be able to awe and impress the man in your life, for a long time to come.
Be a nice girl because she’s the girl every guy wants to take home to his mother. But make sure you have these 12 bad girl traits in you too. After all, when it comes to attraction between a man and a woman, the bad girl has the sexy edge over the good girl all the time.

What Are the 10 Worst Fast-Food Items?

10. Taco Bell Volcano Nachos - 980 Calories

We all know fast food is bad for us. But I don't think many of us realize just how bad it is. Click through this gallery for 10 of the worst possible fast-food choices you could make. And trust me, number 1 will surprise you.
The first bad fast-food chioce hails from none other than Taco Bell. These tortilla chips have been flooded with nacho cheese, beef, refried beans, and optional lava sauce, a mayo-based condiment unique to The Bell. Chow down on these babies at nearly 1,000 calories, plus 200 extra if you opt for the lava sauce.

9. Wendy's Dave's Hot 'N Juicy Burger - 1,060 Calories

This triple-stacked burger packs as many calories as you might expect from 3/4 pound of greasy meat product and cheese. Yum.

8. Chipotle Fully-Loaded Steak Burrito - 1,200 calories

Ordering a burrito at Chipotle is one thing, but adding all the condiments you could possibly choose from is another. With sour cream, cheese, guacamole and a slew of other slap-ons, this baby should tide you over until Thanksgiving

7. Dairy Queen Chicken Strips with Gravy - 1,370 Calories

I was surprised by this one, since these seem to be your typical chicken tenders. But I guess they're including the fries and Texas toast it comes with, plus that gravy, which is 110 calories on its own. Goes to show what's really hidden in a simple fast-food meal.

6. Baja Fresh Steak Quesadillas - 1, 430 Calories

Tortillas and creamy toppings really add up. This 12-inch tortilla wedged with steak, cheese, sour cream and guacamole is almost your entire day's worth of calories.

5. Pizza Hut Personal PANormous Meat Lover's Pizza - 1,470 Calories

It might be a personal pizza and appear fairly small, but this mini pie packs quite a punch. It's bigger than the original personal pizza, and the five types of meat (ham, sausage, pepperoni, bacon and hamburger) make this a circular heart attack to-go.

4. Dominos Chicken Carbonara Breadbowl Pasta - 1,480 Calories

Now this one makes sense to me. Meat, pasta, bread, cheese, a cream-based sauce -- this dish has everything but the kitchen sink (or veggies).

3. Quizno's Tuna Melt - 1,535 Calories

Typically, when you're trying to choose one of the healthier options on a fast-food menu, you go for things like turkey or fish. Looks like that's not such a good idea after all. This once-healthy tuna (less healthy in this quantity, though) is now tainted with mayo, cheese and bread to make it the only thing you should eat all day.

2. KFC Variety Box Meal - 1,680 Calories

This is what fried drumsticks, chicken strips, popcorn chicken, two sides and a biscuit will get you: a coronary

1. Subway Double Meatball Marinara with Cheese - 1,720 Calories

I was shocked that the fattiest food came from Subway. But the nearly 20 meatballs, mounds of cheese and foot of bread that add up to this gooey nightmare all makes sense. Let's not even think about the sodium levels in this bad boy. Makes my veins squeeze just thinking about it.
 Source: The Daily Meal


Thursday, 10 January 2013

Did You Know You Could Injure Your Junk Like This?

1. Laptop Cooker

Guys, if you have been using your laptop by balancing it on your lap, your little guys might have been getting more than they bargained for. Laptops can get pretty hot, and if you rest it right on top of your testes, they will get pretty hot, too.

Studies have shown that critical temperatures can be achieved in as little as 10 minutes of laptop use, and you might not even be able to tell the difference! Overheating your testicles can cause a score of problems, including infertility and second degree burns

2. Zip It

It's probably not shocking that the most common penis injury is catching your little guy in the zipper of your pants. It actually accounts for 1 out of every 4,000 male visits to the emergency room. Most of those guys weren't wearing any underwear at the time, so think about that the next time you consider going commando.

3. The Never Ending Erection

I'm sure you've seen this situation in several movies or TV shows: a man takes a Viagra and gets an erection that won't quit, and hilarity ensues. Only, this actually happens, and it's not so hilarious.
During an erection, blood rushes to the penis and stays there, rather than circulating in and out, bringing fresh oxygen to keep the tissues alive. If an erection goes on for too long, the tissues can get damaged and die, and you could be left with erectile dysfunction for the rest of your life. So if you ever experience an erection that lasts for more than four hours, don't call Guinness, call a doctor!

4. Let's (Not) Do the Twist

Testicular torsion is something you don't ever want your boys to experience. During torsion, the cords that lead from the testicle to the abdomen get twisted around. There are certain situations that make this more likely to happen, such as physical activity or cold weather (when your testes want to climb up inside to get warm); but really, it can happen at any time.

If it does happen, you will know. Symptoms include severe pain and scrotal swelling and perhaps even nausea and vomiting because the pain is just that darn bad. This type of injury is a medical emergency because the blood supply to your testicle is being cut off. So scoot your way to the ER pronto; or in about six hours, you may be left with only one little buddy instead of two.

5. The Gloves Come Off

There is one horrible testicle injury that, thankfully, is pretty rare. It's so terrible that even the name incites horror. It's called "degloving."

Most degloving injuries involve the scrotum getting caught in something, such as heavy machinery, and the skin is peeled away from the testicle -- like a glove. If that doesn't make you shudder.

6. You're Breaking My Balls

You've probably seen hundreds, if not thousands, of videos of guys getting punched, kicked and otherwise slammed in the testicles; and you probably laughed and laughed. You might not have laughed as hard if you knew it was possible for those guys to actually break their balls.

It's called testicular rupture, and it is probably the worst pain a man will ever feel. It happens when a man suffers an injury to the testicles so severe that an actual rip in the protective covering occurs. The only way to fix it is with surgery. Think about that the next time you punch your buddy in the nuts as a joke.

Broken Boner

But wait, didn't we all learn a long time ago that a boner isn't really a bone? So how can it break? Well, when you break your penis, you aren't actually breaking a bone, you are breaking the spongy tissues that fill with blood when you get an erection. They get hard enough to cause a stiffy and, therefore, hard enough to break when introduced to severe trauma. In fact, when broken, the tissues can even cause a popping sound. Surgery can typically fix this injury, but let's avoid that if possible.